Monday, September 7, 2009

When does this ride end?

Have you ever been on a roller coaster and midway through the ride felt that you just wanted to get off? The ride was not what you expected; furthermore, the quesiness in your stomach just won't go away. Well, earlier this summer I told a friend, "I have been on a roller coaster ride this year, and I just want to get off." My husband was laid off from his job the Friday before school started; I started teaching English at a middle school in October after a five year break, never intending to teach in public schools again. My husband ended up getting another job in January and I finished the school year.

Well, a year has gone by since the first ascent on my roller coaster ride of last year. I thought the ride was over; however, I am now realizing I only went once around and now I'm on my second descent. I am still teaching English, but this year I'm at the neighborhood middle school. We are adding another child to our mix of four in February. I just don't think the roller coaster ride will end anytime soon. My perspective of roller coasters has changed. I now look forward to the descents. It's amazing how a different perspective can change things. I now sit on top of the tracks looking down. Realizing blessings and miracles in an imperfect situation has been my new endeavor. I'm glad I am on THIS roller coaster and not the ones I haven't tried yet. At least I know how to teach- I've taught for ten years- and I know how to deliver and take care of a newborn. The goal in life is to enjoy the ride!


  1. Hold up both hands and shout WEEE!

  2. And what a ride it is! Sometimes you think you know the ride--but it seems to change even as you ride it. Thankfully, we're not the ones in charge of operating the ride...someone who knows much more than we can is!!!
