Monday, September 7, 2009

Seven days in a Week

I have learned a great lesson through my wonderful son's seven day stay at the Sunrise Children's Hospital this summer. My second son went iceskating and hit his knee pretty hard on the ice. Several days later, he couldn't walk and consequently was taken to the hospital for an MRI. He was diagnosed with osteomiolytis, which is infection of the bone. Several days later, the infection still was there even with the intravenous antibiotics being pumped into his body. Consequently, he had surgery on his left knee. Six weeks later he was given a clean bill of health and was as good as new . . .except for some pretty vivid memories of needles, hospital beds, and gross food.
I share this because I learned a great lesson about helping others in need. Often times, I see others struggling or facing extra trying times and I feel paralyzed. I question what I should do, what would be appropriate, etc. After this experience, I now know it really doesn't matter what I do, I just need to do something. I didn't value the visits to the hospital by my son's friends anymore than I valued the notes and candy given to us to deliver to him. I appreciated the dinners as well as the offers to entertain my other children so I could be with my son at the hospital. I was grateful for the prayers offered as well as the phone calls expressing concern. The key to serving others is DO SOMETHING, preferably something I enjoy.


  1. You have always been a great example of service MaryAnn

  2. I like your writing! YOu teach me so much. Thank you!!

  3. Well said and I totally agree! I didn't understand completely the idea of just doing something even if you don't know what, until I was the one receiving the service! That sure changed my perspective on service and makes me want to do something (anything I can) for others! Thanks for the insight and I'm excited for your blog!
